ADK TC67 on Male Vocals
savemylastbreath | Feb 28, 2010 | 5,177 Views | ShareDescription
Let me preface by saying this is a far from controlled or scientific approach to shooting out the differences in subtle upgrades you can do to an already great mic. The performances are obviously different but you can get the idea from them well enough. The signal chain was the TC > Mogami quad neglex > Mbox2 pro. I wasnt trying to make the worlds best recording ever and I feel that if the mic sounds this good through an mbox imagine how itll sound through a real preamp. The first clip is of the TC stock as it comes out of the box. The second I upgraded the cable to a mogami neglex 7 pin tube mic cable, and a NOS RCA 6072a greyplate tube... subtle but smoother on both the top and bottom. The mogami seemed to tighten to the lows and the tube the highs as I tested the cable first, tested, and then the tube and recorded. The third has the tube and cable uprades, and also ADK's custom shop GK-67au capsule which REALLY rounded out the raspy sibilant character of my voice and took this mic into a whole new level. This is a mod that ADK will do for you if you already own a TC (but since im handy with an iron i chose to do it myself) or you can just purchase the TC67 from the custom shop. Anyways the purpose of this test was to show what a great line of mics the ADK custom shop is putting out, as well was what a few light upgrades can really do for a mic.
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FYI there is no EQ/compression/or processing on any of these takes.By savemylastbreath on Apr 12, 2010 at 3:46 am
I Love the TC-67! I've used it on many albums and I've recommended and sold them to a couple close engineer friends. The TC-67 was used on all male vocals and acoustic guitar for this new Canoe album that I mastered ;ast week: Album PreviewBy rackrecording on May 14, 2010 at 4:13 pm
yeah im really becoming a fan of the 67 capsule. the TC was my go to before because, unlike a FET, it is very forgiving for inexperienced vocalists at close proximity, but now im in LOVE! I am finishing up a project currently with the TC67 on all male singing vocals, and the TC stock on screaming vocals (I borrowed a friends for this session), and ill probably post some clips soon.By savemylastbreath on May 14, 2010 at 9:43 pm
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