KNIF SORA on Drum Buss

| Jul 20, 2024 | 344 Views | Share


Comparing Drum Buss before and after passing through the Knif Sora Tube Harmonics/Saturation/Distortion unit at different settings.

Audio Clips

  • Drums ITB "Before"

    Stereo Drum Buss in DAW

  • Drums After Knif Sora - Mild

    Passed through the converters and Sora at mild settings (shown in pic).

  • Drums after Knif Sora - Heavy

    Passed through the converters and Sora at heavier settings (shown in pic).

  • Drums after Knif Sora - SLAMMED

    Passed through the converters and Sora at very heavy settings (shown in pic). It could still be pushed harder...

  • Drums After Knif Sora - OBLITERATED

    Clipping very hard with +25dB on the input gain

  • Drums After Knif Sora - Obliterated in Parallel

    +25dB on input gain, but using X-Fade feature at -10, which blends the processed signal at -10dB with the original unprocessed signal in parallel.


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