Telefunken R-F-T AK47 Factory Capsule vs. ADK GK47 Capsule

| Jan 28, 2013 | 4,694 Views | Share


These audio files consist of 2 Telefunken R-F-T AK47 mics - one with the factory capsule one with an ADK GK47 capsule installed. The mics were placed on a stereo bar as close together as possible with the capsule being lined ip on the same horz/vert plane.

They were located about 2 ft from the upright bass,  just above the bridge pointing at the bass side F holes. The mandolin samples mics were about 1ft away from the treble side F hole.

Just for the fun of it I added a 3 Zigma small diameter mic with a transformerless head amp and Hyper Capsule just above the Telefunken Mics.

the signal chain was simply mic>Digi 002 rack>Pro Tools 7

Tracks have Zero compression/EQ/Effects added. The recorded levels were set as close as possible.

All recordings 24bit 48k wave files

Listen to attack/decay of notes. Focus on different aspects of the tone/note/sound



Audio Clips

  • Upright Bass 3Z Hyper 24bit 48k

  • Upright Bass Telefunken RFT Stock Capsule 24bit 48k

  • Upright Bass Telefunken RFT47 ADK GK47capsule 24bit 48k

  • Mandolin Arpeggio 3Z Hyper TL 24bit 48k

  • Mandolin Arpeggio Telefunken RFT ADK GK47

  • Mandolin Arpeggio Telefunken RFT47 Stock Capsule


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